A PEA is normally undertaken at an early stage in the site development process to establish the baseline conditions and determine the importance of any ecological features present, therefore allowing an assessment of the likely impacts of any proposed development.
Our experienced ecologists carry out PEAs, which comprise of three main elements:
- Desk Study - to identify notable or protected habitats and species that may be affected by the proposal.
- Field Survey - carried out using extended Phase 1 habitat survey techniques to describe and map the existing site conditions and identify the presence or likely absence of protected species or habitats.
- Report – production of a detailed report with a description of the site and the habitats present together with an evaluation of the potential of the site to support protected species. The report will include guidance on legislation and planning policy issues, how these can be overcome and appropriate recommendations for further actions required to progress the development.
Surveys are carried out following the Institute for Ecology and Environmental Management’s Guidelines for Preliminary Ecological Appraisal.
A Preliminary Ecological Appraisal can also be adapted to maximise the ecological credits under BREEAM or Code for Sustainable Homes accreditation.
Contact us to discuss your requirements or to obtain a quote.
Scoping Survey
A Scoping Survey offers a quick initial appraisal of a site to identify any significant ecological issues that may need to be addressed. Scoping surveys are supported by a brief report summarising the ecological scenario on and adjacent to the site.