As holders of over 40 development licences for a range of bat species and roost types, we provide expert advice based on our extensive experience. We have been successful in securing 100% of licences applied for on behalf of our clients.
We work closely with our clients to make the process as smooth as possible and provide support through the life of the project, from deciding the appropriate level of survey required, planning the survey, designing bespoke mitigation, preparation and submission of all necessary documents.
Continued assistance for clients during the implementation stage in the form of watching briefs and tool-box talks and supervisory visits can also be provided.
We can also assist where a licence, method statement, translocation, or mitigation is required for:
- Great crested newts
- Badgers
- Dormice
- Otters
- Water voles
- Reptiles
- Protected plants
Low Impact Class Licence
As part of Natural England’s earned recognition project in collaboration with the Chartered Institute for Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM), the new Bat Low Impact Class Licence (BLCL) was launched at the beginning of April 2015. CA Ecology is pleased to be part of the first cohort of consultants (around 50 across the country) to be able to offer a BLICL. After participating in the trial over 2013/2014 and attending two days of workshops lead by Natural England in April, Claire Andrews is now a registered consultant for BLICL.
This new licence will permit works that have an impact on roosts of low conservation significance occupied by a small number of common species. The BLICL allows faster processing of licence applications and will have the following advantages:
Reduced burden on clients, especially delay and costs
Robust legal approach which balances needs of the business with those of the environment
Provides a more proportional approach
Once surveys have been completed it is expected that processing the licence will take 10 days, meaning the licence can be written and applied for in under a month.
The licence still requires full surveys to be carried out to determine the species and type of roost present and whilst a pragmatic approach can be taken, the overall outcome for licences that are granted will be of no detriment to the species. This faster and more efficient system will have a positive outcome for conservation, reducing negative associations of the implications of having bats on site by streamlining the process.
This is a welcome move away from time-consuming and costly individual licences and CA Ecology hope to be able to make use of this innovative new licence for our clients and projects in the current survey season.
Contact us to discuss your requirements or to obtain a quote.