With licensed specialists able to undertake bat surveys in all parts of the UK, we offer a complete service from initial presence/absence surveys to obtaining a derogation licence (EPSL or LICL) where required.
Our service ranges from simple emergence and return to roost surveys of a single building or barn conversion as part of a planning application, to designing a bespoke package of surveys required to establish an ecological baseline as part of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EcIA) or major development scheme.
Services we offer include:
- Initial inspection of buildings, trees or other structures
- Internal inspection of buildings, climbing inspection of trees and detailed assessment of bridges and other structures
- Dusk emergence and dawn return to roost surveys
- Back tracking
- Walked and driven transects
- Activity surveys
- Woodland and tree assessment
- DNA analysis of droppings
- Deployment, collection and analysis of static monitoring devices (Anabat, Anabat Express, SM2 and SM3)
- Sound analysis and data management of large numbers of files generated by static monitoring devices
- Mist netting, harp trap and sonic lure
- Radio tracking studies for large infrastructure projects
- Mitigation and licencing
Initial bat surveys can be combined with a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal to save on time and costs.
Contact us to discuss your requirements or to obtain a quote.